How and how can you wipe the pan from soot?

The appearance of a variety of detergents and household chemical products has significantly facilitated the life of modern housewives. Despite this, when it comes to the question of how to clean the pan from serious contamination, folk remedies are usually used. Only they allow you to quickly eliminate traces of fat inside and outside the product, to relieve items of dishes from soot, scale and old burning.

aluminum pan in hand

An additional advantage of this approach is the fact that even at home, you can easily find a suitable effective remedy. Only you need to understand that to wash the burnt surface of a pan or pan, without damaging it, you can only take into account the characteristics of the material.

How to handle enameled dishes?

It is very pleasant to cook in enameled dishes, but the food in it burns easily and quickly. Given the fact that the enamel is quite sensitive to external influences, before removing traces of plaque, fresh soot or lime scale from its surface, you need to choose the right exposure option:

burnt pan bottom

  • Silicate glue and baking soda. Using this method, any enameled utensils can be cleaned of dirt, both inside and outside. We take a larger container than a damaged item, pour water into it, fill in half a pack of soda and squeeze out a tube of silicate (!) Glue. Knead the mixture, bringing to a boil. In the resulting paste, lower the functional part of the pan or pan, cook for a quarter of an hour. After that, all deposits and scale can be removed without problems with a soft sponge, holding the product under a stream of cold water.
  • Activated carbon. To remove a dense layer of soot or fat without damaging the surface, you need to crush 10 tablets of activated carbon to a powder. Scatter the composition in an even layer over the area of ​​contamination, hold for 20 minutes, then fill with warm water. After another quarter of an hour, you need to clean the enameled pan with a soft sponge and any detergent.

peeled enameled dishes

Tip: If the surface of enameled dishes you need to get rid of traces of burnt fat, then you can just fill the product with a solution prepared from water and detergent for half an hour. For greater effect, the composition must be heated to a very hot state and foamed with a whisk.

  • Vinegar. Pour food burned out on the surface of the pot or pan to a solution of vinegar and leave for two hours, after which we process it in the usual way. If it is necessary to achieve a positive result quickly, then put the dishes on medium heat and wait until the soot begins to exfoliate from the surface. The remaining dirt is removed with a sponge and detergent.

activated carbon and vinegar

  • Salt. If any of the listed reagents were not at hand, then salt at home is sure to be found. In a pan where the food is burnt, pour a little water, put a couple tablespoons of salt in it, stir it and put it on the fire. We boil the liquid for five minutes, pour out the water and try using a soft sponge to get rid of plaque. Such a method will not remove dense lime scale, but it will relieve it of fresh burning or fat.


  • White. If the situation is completely neglected, then you will have to use an aggressive chemical agent. Fill the bottom of the dishes with cold water, add a tablespoon of whiteness to it and leave for a day. After the specified time, you do not need to try to clean the enameled pan with the same composition, just drain it. Pour pure water into the container (its amount should overlap the volume of the cleaning agent), bring to a boil and drain. So repeat two more times. Rinse the clean product thoroughly under running water.


In the process of cleaning dishes, sudden changes in temperature should be avoided. Because of them, the enamel may crack and restore the damaged surface will not work.

Effective Aluminum Cleaning Methods

Light, unpretentious in leaving and evenly distributing heat aluminum pots, stewpan and frying pans do not lose their popularity even against the background of modern cooking appliances. Unfortunately, they quickly become covered with traces of burning and scale, which affects their appearance and functionality. Fortunately, experienced housewives have developed many options for restoring these products at home:

  • Vinegar. This tool will help in the case of combating stains of fat and fresh traces of soot. Pour water into an aluminum container, add 9% vinegar at the rate of 4 tablespoons of the product for each liter of water. We boil the liquid for at least an hour, the dirt should move on its own. Using the same product, aluminum cookware can also be cleaned from the outside. You do not need to boil anything, just use a solution to rub the surface.

cleaning aluminum pan

  • Baking soda. If an aluminum pan is ruined by a long cooking of jam, then it must be boiled in a solution of baking soda (a large pan takes from a third to half a pack of product) for an hour. After such preparation, the deposit can be removed gently and without problems with a sponge.
  • Lemon acid. Allows you to clean pans and any other aluminum objects from scale. We fill the container with water, pour a little citric acid (not more than a tablespoon), stir and leave for an hour. Then bring the liquid to a boil and keep on low heat for no more than 10 minutes.

aluminum pan

  • Laundry soap. A dense layer of fat will not linger on the surface of the dishes, if you pour water into it, dissolve the laundry soap that has been rubbed into the chips and some silicate glue. We boil the solution for half an hour, pour it out, rub the metal with a soft sponge under cool running water to a shine.
  • Chalk or toothpaste. Also good to remove traces of scale and grease covering aluminum objects. Just moisten the surface and rub with one of the above reagents.

If cooking using aluminum or enameled utensils is carried out outdoors, then fresh contaminants should be rubbed with sand so that they do not turn into a dense coating.

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