How to grow a sun lover Echinocactus Gruzoni

Cacti are ideal plants for the home. They have an unusual appearance, high vitality and a lot of useful properties. And the flowering of a cactus is a rare phenomenon that produces an unforgettable impression. Among the huge number of cacti, the echinocactus of Gruzoni is interesting, and caring for it is quite simple.

Echinocactus grusonii

Species composition

Species Echinocactus Grusonii belongs to the cactus family and the genus Echinocactus. Its natural habitat is Central Mexico. The name of the plant was given by Herman Gruzoni, a big fan and collector of cacti. The main feature of Gruzoni is a powerful spherical stalk with many vertical ribs. The surface of the cactus is glossy; on the tops of the ribs areoles consisting of several spines sit. At the top of the plant, young pubescent areoles merge into a kind of hat.

Echinocactus Gruzoni was nicknamed the golden barrel because of the spherical shape and yellow color of the spines.

The genus of echinocactus - species:

Gruzoni. The most common of all echinocactus. Spherical, with sharp thick spikes, straight or slightly curved, which are collected in bundles. At the top of the plant there is bristle, growing, it turns into new bundles of thorns.

Echinocactus grusonii

Polycephalus. Large cactus with long curved spines, yellow or red. The plant is able to bloom indoors.

Echinocactus Gruzon

Echinocactus Polycephalus

Parry. Beautiful gray-blue echinocactus, characterized by a smaller number of spines, the color of which changes with age. Young parries have pink and tan spines. In adults, they are painted white.

Echinocactus parry

Rainbow This echinocactus is the owner of beautiful golden spines that can grow directly or be slightly curved at the end. The plant actively reacts to dye, which it is watered in flower shops. Any cactus of an unusual color: orange, blue, purple, red, is a rainbow drunk with paint. Over time, the pigment is washed away, and the thorns acquire their natural yellowish tint.

Echinocactus Gruzoni Rainbow

Description and features of Gruzoni

In nature, Gruzoni stretches a meter in height; its diameter reaches from 1 to 1.5 meters. He is a true centenarian, grows quietly up to several hundred years. At home, the cactus reaches only 40-50 cm in diameter, for a lifetime forms up to 30 vertical ribs. Flowering of this cactus occurs once every 20 years, usually a few large single flowers of white or yellowish color on the very top of the plant.

How to care: conditions, watering, reproduction

How to care for echinocactus Gruzoni? A cactus is an inhabitant of deserts, for this plant is the usual scorching sun and a lack of water in the air and on the ground. The main principles of care are adequate lighting and timely watering without surplus.

Lighting. Echinocactus prefers bright sunlight, it is better that they fall on it most of the day. The south windows are ideal for the location of Gruzoni. Lack of light affects the quality of the thorns - they become thinner and brighter.

Temperature. Heat at 30 ° negatively affects echinocactus, during this period the processes of their growth and development are significantly slowed down. The optimum air temperature for these plants is up to 25 °. Cactus does not tolerate cold: a temperature below 10 degrees is fatal for him.

Gruzoni is very drought-resistant, so before watering you should wait until the soil in the pot is completely dry. Excess moisture, most often, leads to decay. Echinocactus have no particular preference for humidity.

Priming. Gruzoni grows well in a loose mineral substrate of neutral acidity. The easiest option is to purchase special soil for cacti. Drainage is mandatory at the bottom of the pot - a layer of gravel, charcoal or small brick chips. In summer, fertilizers suitable for domestic cacti and succulents are recommended.

Echinocactus Parry

Reproduction. Echinocactus seed reproduction, usually the seeds germinate quickly and amicably. Occasionally, the mother plant gives the baby, which is transplanted into a separate container for independent life.

The disease. The main pests of cacti are scale insects, bugs and spider mites. At the initial stage of infection, the plant is washed with a soap solution using a brush. If the disease continues to spread, then special insecticides are needed.

The watering process is carried out at the very top of the echinocactus. Then the trickles of water will gently drain down the hollows on the trunk, without splashing and not remaining at the thorns.

How to transplant

Young echinocactus are relocated as necessary, that is, when the next pot becomes cramped. Adult specimens are rarely transplanted, preferably in the spring and summer. As the author of the online magazine found out, mature Gruzoni echinocactuses are especially sensitive to the procedure due to a weak root system. Therefore, you need to be as careful as possible and use the transshipment method.

The main difficulty in relocation is hand protection. The slightest carelessness, and a splinter or a whole spike, damaging the skin, will penetrate the soft tissues. Sometimes, to remove the needle, surgical intervention is required.

Cactus transplant

To avoid a prickly threat, transplant Gruzoni with a wire wrapped around the body of a cactus. So the plant is removed from the old pot and transferred to a new soil along with a radical earthen lump.

Artificial light for echinocactus Gruzoni is a vital necessity, therefore caring and knowledgeable flower growers always supply botanical phytolamps to the home collection of cacti.

Experts say that a cactus is sick when it releases children. Therefore, experienced cactus growers recommend not immediately separating the shoots, but for some time to observe the plant and take the necessary measures to cure it.

A cactus in the house is decoration and benefit, because it absorbs negative energy from equipment and electrical appliances. Desert people are accustomed to drought, so they are allowed to leave for some time without watering. Echinocactus Gruzoni is fascinating at first sight, it has a large size and many spines. To achieve the flowering of this plant is a rarity, so every grower dreams of it!

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