How to grow and care for salt at home

When choosing plants for home, everyone wants to pick up something original, beautiful, so that the interior only benefits from another flower. Soleoli is perfect for creative people. This is a creeping plant with thin shoots and small leaves. Extremely unpretentious and does not require constant garter. So caring for salinolysis is quite simple. At home, the flower feels as comfortable as in the open air, and there are very few nuances that should be taken into account.

Gelxin plant


Soleirolia, or gelksina (Helxine) belongs to the nettle family and has been bred as a house plant for about a hundred years. The flower develops in the form of thin shoots, on which small oval leaves are very densely and often located.

Capacity for landing is suitable for almost any. If you take long rectangular flowerpots, the saltworks with pleasure cover them with a carpet, and indeed thick. If you take a regular pot and ensure proper care, the flower will form a neat green ball. So the plant is suitable for both large and small areas.

New shoots appear frequently and grow quickly, intertwining and entangling among themselves, while not interfering with each other. The flowers are small and single, on a completely green background they look cute and harmonious, but do not strike with sophistication, they bloom very rarely at home. The fruits of indoor saltation usually does not.


The plant itself is perennial and will delight its owners for a long time. However, it must be transplanted and rejuvenated, so that it retains an attractive appearance.

Types and Care

Actually, there is only one species of gelxins, so in nature the plant does not differ in variety. However, many flower growers fell in love with a curly creeping flower, and breeders bred several varieties that differ in the color of the leaves. As a result, today there is a silver and golden saltoleil. If you plant them together, you get an original and attractive mix - a mixture of several varieties in one composition.

The flower looks very beautiful in composition with other indoor or tub plants. However, Magazine draws attention that the loach will strangle the undersized neighbor, clinging to it as a support.


Caring for such a flower is simple. The homeland of Hekslin is southern, moist forests, and for comfortable development it needs similar conditions:

  • Lighting. It should always be bright enough, but scattered. Therefore, the eastern or southeastern window will be optimal. On the south side, the flower will be uncomfortable due to direct sunlight. Shading will be required. Not bad, salinolysis tolerates the north side and even the depth of the room, but does not like the lack of light. As an option - lighting with phytolamps, which create the most soft stream of rays.
  • Temperature. Gelksin is practically not sensitive to this factor. During the growth period, in the summer, the range from +18 to + 25˚ C is suitable for her, and in winter she suffers a strong coolness, but not lower than +8 degrees.
  • Air humidity. This opens up some capriciousness of the flower. Be sure the indicator should be quite high. In autumn and spring, as a rule, it is not required to artificially increase humidity. However, in the summer and winter in the room, if the temperature is above 20 degrees, spraying becomes mandatory. It should be done every day, and sometimes even several times a day.
  • Watering. In summer, the soil should not dry out. The plant needs constant watering. In winter, the top layer may dry out a little, especially if the temperature is below +20.Water - soft, specially bought or settled for two days.
  • Fertilizer. It is best to make it in the spring. Feeding is not particularly necessary, but from March to September 2 times a month it is completely allowed to use complex fertilizer: this helps to accelerate growth and development.

The soleoli will be quite comfortable on the balcony if it is even a little insulated.

In general, gelxin is quite easy to care for. The main thing is to follow simple rules. A much more serious issue is transplantation and reproduction. You can’t do without these procedures if you want to see the flower healthy and beautiful.

Seeds of salinity are hard to find. Therefore, it is best to plant a plant using division. An adult flower takes a small part along with the roots during transplantation. This procedure must be done in the spring. The pot must be with drainage. Two days a flower needs in order to fully take root. At this time, do not water the plant and try to keep it in a cool place.

Propagation of solyoli by seeds

A transplant is required gelksine annually. To do this, choose the right pot: not very deep, but always wide enough to allow the shoots to grow. The composition of the earth is simple: part of the clay, part of the sheet and part of the sand. Be sure to put a special drainage. Water and air should freely pass into the ground, for this the soil is left loose and slightly dug up.

To take root, a sapling will need only two days, after which the pot is put in its usual place and they begin to take care of in a simple mode. Rooting takes place naturally, without additional fertilizing.


When growing saltworks, it is necessary to take into account some features. They come from the natural conditions of flower growth. First of all, it is the humidity of the air and soil. Both indicators should be high enough to preserve the life of the flower. Even a one-time drying of hexlin is difficult.

Another extreme is a bad factor. If there is too much moisture, then death from rotting of the roots is likely. To prevent this, half an hour after watering, remove all the water from the sump, put a drainage layer on the bottom of the pot during planting and relocation.

Drainage layer

Direct sunlight, especially in summer, often causes leaf burns in the form of brown spots. However, this does not mean that the flower loves a thick shadow. As already noted, Huxlin needs bright, but diffused light.

Soleoli requires regular rejuvenation. It grows very beautifully while young, but after 2-3 years this green ball looks a little attractive. It is best during the next transplant to simply throw out part of the plant, leaving young shoots with the root system.

The complexity of both seating and rejuvenation is that the shoots and roots are very confused. Trying to unravel them is useless, and in no case can you tear them apart: this will lead to serious damage. It is better to take the scissors and carefully divide or cut in several places.

Plant drainage

Pests very rarely appear on hexlin, it is not susceptible to fungal diseases. If yellowing of the leaves is observed, first of all, it is necessary to check the conditions of detention and correct the errors. If it doesn’t help, transplant a flower next spring.

In general, this is an unpretentious plant that is really easy to grow in a variety of conditions. It decorates the house and improves the atmosphere in it. Soleoli is extremely popular with professionals and beginners.

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