Pros and cons of orthopedic springless mattresses

Not so long ago, spring-free mattresses appeared on the textile market, which quickly gained popularity and now compete with spring counterparts. Instead of metal structures, inside such a product is a filler made of natural or synthetic material. The pros and cons of springless mattresses directly depend on the quality of the filler - stiffness, elasticity, elasticity, ability to pass air and not give in to rotting processes.

Polyurethane foam mattress

Types of mattresses without springs

Depending on the material of which the filler is made, springless mattresses are soft, medium hard and hard. By design, such sleeping accessories are divided into three categories: monolithic, mixed and puff.

  • Monolithic. The mattress is based on a single block of filler placed in a fabric cover. In the manufacturing process using cylindrical holes of different diameters, the mattress is divided into zones with different levels of elasticity, thereby providing the necessary orthopedic effect.
  • Mixed. They include one monolithic block and several layers of filler. Using this combination, you can achieve any level of stiffness, while maintaining the orthopedic properties of the product. For example, a mattress with a coconut filling and a latex surface layer will be quite hard and soft at the same time.
  • Puff. Unlike the mixed type, in such designs there is no pronounced basis. The mattress consists of layers of the same thickness, but of different stiffness, which are glued together using a special tool. An example is a product consisting of several layers of coconut coir and latex layers located between them. Coconut fiber provides rigidity, while latex provides softness and elasticity.

Each type has its own advantages and disadvantages that must be considered when choosing a product. Therefore, it is up to everyone to decide which springless mattresses are best.

Latex mattress

Filler Composition and Properties

Filling for springless mattresses can serve both natural and synthetic materials. It is the quality of the filler that determines the performance of the product and its cost.

  • Latex - natural material resulting from the processing of hevea juice. Soft and resilient filler, quickly restoring its original shape, provides reliable support during sleep.
  • Artificial latex - a synthetic material that combines all the positive qualities of a natural analogue, only more rigid and less wear-resistant. Products with artificial latex are recommended for people with high weight.
  • Coconut fiber obtained by processing the pericarp of a coconut. As a filler, it is used in combination with latex impregnation. Coconut coir mattresses are considered the most rigid and wear resistant. They are usually recommended to buy people prone to diseases of the musculoskeletal system.
  • Polyurethane foam - synthetic material. It does not cause allergies, soft and supple. Products with this filling are characterized by increased wear resistance and low cost.
  • Hollofiber - filler, consisting of hollow polyester fibers twisted into tight spirals. The material perfectly passes air, repels water, does not accumulate odors and dust, creates an unfavorable environment for the reproduction of insects.
  • Memory effect material - the elastic filler takes the form of a body and does not immediately restore its original state. This synthetic material is able to change under the influence of heat from the human body.

Many buyers leave good reviews about springless mattresses, claiming that they are much more convenient than products with springs. Proper distribution of body weight eliminates back and joint pains and promotes good rest.


Orthopedic springless mattresses have greater rigidity than spring counterparts.

A man with a mountain of mattresses

Advantages of mattresses without springs

Springless mattresses have many advantages and disadvantages, however, they are becoming increasingly popular in the market for sleep products. What are the pros and cons of models with a filler and why this type of sleeping accessories was so loved by customers, the author of figured out.

  1. Mattresses without a spring block have an orthopedic effect, fixing the spine in the correct position. This effect is higher, the stiffer the filler. Such products are recommended for people suffering from problems with the musculoskeletal system, as well as for children under 12 years old, whose spine has not yet fully formed. For lovers of soft sleeping places there are mattresses with latex filling. The elastic material supports the body well, repeating all the anatomical features.
  2. The absence of metal parts leads to complete noiselessness. You can move and roll over from side to side, while there will be no sounds.
  3. The materials from which the mattress is made do not electrify and do not create a magnetic field.
  4. Many simply don’t like the wobble feeling that the spring mattress creates. There will be no such problems with springless.
  5. These mattresses are easy to transport. Models made of foam materials are flexible and lightweight, they can be rolled up and transported to another place by yourself.
  6. Synthetic-filled mattresses are easy to clean. They do not have to vacuum and shake out the trash. To ensure that the product meets sanitary standards, you should clean it with a brush and a soap solution from time to time.

Some models of springless mattresses have different fillers on different sides, for example, one surface is hard and the other is soft. Turning the mattress over, you can sleep on the side that is more comfortable.

In addition, there are mattresses with a winter / summer function. One surface of such products is finished with warm material, such as wool, and the other with cotton. Convenient use is also an advantage of this type of bedding in comparison with spring models.

Springless Mattress Filler Layers

Disadvantages of filled mattresses

Despite the many advantages that mattresses without springs have, they also have some disadvantages due to the properties of a particular filler, manufacturing method or quality of the adhesive composition.

  1. The main disadvantage of a springless mattress is its high cost. This is especially true for products based on a natural hypoallergenic filler, such as coconut coir or natural latex. Therefore, the buyer often faces a serious choice between saving money and purchasing a healthy product.
  2. The weight of a person who wants to settle on a mattress without springs is limited to 140 kg. If the product is constantly subjected to a greater load, it will not be able to support the body properly, rinse and quickly fail.
  3. The disadvantage of some bilateral models without springs is their large dead weight. This applies to products made from pressed coconut coir and other heavy materials.
  4. According to the technology, the individual layers in mattresses without springs are connected using an adhesive, which often has an unpleasant pungent odor. Usually the “aroma” disappears within a few days after the product is released from packaging.

It is better to buy a springless mattress in a specialized store, a large supermarket. Can be ordered online. It is impossible to determine the quality of the product by eye, therefore, when making a purchase, you need to ask the seller for a quality certificate that states what materials it is made of and whether it meets the accepted standards.

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