How to choose a blanket according to the filler in accordance with the season?

A woman enters the bedding department and looks confusedly at the shelves. The assortment is huge, and which blanket is better for a comfortable sleep? First of all, bright models are striking: whole pictures from small shreds, colorful ornaments of synthetic products. Of course, it is more pleasant to sleep on a beautifully made bed, but the blanket should first of all fulfill its main function: to warm the sleeping person.

Girl under the covers

Basic blanket requirements

First of all, all bedding should be comfortable and safe for health. You can purchase an incredibly beautiful inexpensive product, but it will be impossible to sleep under it. A person will sneeze and itch all night, in the morning irritation will appear on the skin.

To choose the right blanket, you need to pay attention to the main characteristics. A good product must be:

  • hypoallergenic;
  • non-irritating to the skin;
  • warm
  • hygroscopic;
  • good air permeability.

Standard blankets have a length of at least 205 cm - if you do not cover yourself with your head, the legs of a person of any height will be reliably insulated. When buying a non-standard product, make sure that it does not turn out to be too short, otherwise the feet will freeze under it.


If you purchase a model of the original configuration, think about whether you can choose the right duvet cover.

Before you decide on any material, decide whether you can take care of the blanket. If you like to often change the interior and equip a berth for 1-2 years, this characteristic is not significant. You can choose a convenient, but inexpensive and short-lived product, and when it becomes worthless - throw it away without regret. Conservative people, having difficulty parting with familiar things, need to think carefully about whether it will be possible to wash the blanket, whether it will be taken to the nearest dry cleaning service or if it will have to be kept clean in some other way.

Do not forget about your personal preferences. You like to sleep in a cold room under a very warm blanket, or like to lie under a light blanket in a well-warmed room. In some reviews, there are complaints that the material is too heavy, but there are people who are pleased to feel cozy pressure on the body. If your skin is too sensitive, even the softest coat may seem very scratchy.

New blanket

How warm will your sleep be

In the store it is difficult to determine whether it will be warm for you to sleep under the purchased blanket. Some companies indicate this quality in advance on the packaging. One point is a light summer model for hot nights, three are a demi-season version, and five is a model designed for cold nights. If the manufacturer did not consider it necessary to inform the buyer about how to warm his purchased product, you will have to navigate by the material.

If you are constantly cold, opt for wool. Those who can’t fall asleep from the heat even in a cool room should better buy a blanket filled with bamboo or silk. The fluff is in the middle, it can put 3 points.

Not only the thermal characteristics of the material are important, but also its density and thickness. Silk tightly stuffed filler will warm better than a rare layer of wool, more like a spider web.

There are apartments that in summer resemble a red-hot stove, and in winter the heating there barely warms and the bedroom is very cold.For these cases, it is advisable to buy a model of 2 canvases: cotton and wool. In the heat, you can hide with a vegetable filler fragment, in the winter with a wool part, and when the cold becomes unbearable, fasten both blocks together and you will not freeze.

Which filler is best for a blanket

There are comforters with both natural and synthetic fillers on sale. Supporters of natural materials seek to purchase a product made entirely from natural raw materials. Everyone is free to choose according to their taste, but environmental models also have their drawbacks. Typically, such blankets cannot be washed, mites or moths can be created in them, and sometimes they cause allergic reactions in humans.

As fillers are often used:

  • wool;
  • fluff;
  • cotton wool;
  • synthetic winterizer;
  • bike;
  • silk;
  • polyester;
  • acrylic;
  • holofiber;
  • bamboo.

To understand how to choose a blanket for the filler, you need to consider that not only the type of packing is important, but also the way it is fixed. When cassette assembling, separate blocks with filler are first manufactured, which are then fastened into a continuous web. Such a blanket can last for many years and not lose shape. Quilted models are the most impractical, the filler in them quickly gets off.

It is difficult to say which filler is best for the blanket, each material has its pros and cons. Wadded products are very warm, but they cannot be washed, and not every dry cleaning service will undertake their processing. Almost all natural materials are either not warm enough or require complex care. Synthetic blankets can be twisted in the washing machine at least every week, but they do not allow air to pass through and absorb moisture. In the morning you will wake up with a body wet with sweat. Hollofiber is devoid of many shortcomings, it can be used even for babies, but the blanket will not last long: the filler quickly cakes.

Sometimes making blankets turns into real creativity. Previously, peasant families cut worn clothes into small fragments and made bedding from them. Now you can see a landscape or a plot picture on a patchwork quilt. It takes a lot of work to create such masterpieces, and caring for them is complicated. Due to the high cost, such things are rarely used for sleeping; they usually hang on the wall or decorate sofas in the living room.


According to the site, it is better to use synthetic blankets in the country. If you don’t heat the house in cool wet weather, natural fillers will absorb moisture, can become moldy and quickly become unusable.

Fleece blanket

Sheep wool blanket: pros and cons

For the filler, the wool of camels, sheep, goats and alpaca is often used. Woolen blankets are considered the warmest. This material will not let you sweat: all moisture is absorbed, and then quickly evaporates. Such a filler also has other advantages:

  • wool is good for bones and joints;
  • the blanket is very warm;
  • will last a long time;
  • the product is very light, there is no pressure on the body.

Like other natural fillers, sheep wool has its drawbacks. It can cause allergies, the blanket must be protected from moths. You do not know under what conditions animals were kept and how they were looked after. The material from the merino is considered soft, but if the sheep were not trimmed at the right time, they were not combed out, the hair will be stiff, prickly, and fragments of plants that can scratch the skin may come into it. A quality sheep blanket should be soft and not irritate the skin.

You can safely buy a good product from sheep’s wool, the pros and cons of the material are leaning in the positive direction. All the advantages and disadvantages apply not only to the sheep wool filler, but also to goats, alpacas and camels. You can find an advertisement that ascribes to the hair cover of various animals all kinds of miraculous properties: protection against radiation, healing from rheumatism, skin rejuvenation.You can consider this information when choosing, but do not forget that the main task of the blanket is to protect you from the cold. To the question about which filler made of wool is better to buy a blanket, the answer is unequivocal: with a warm one.

Bed dress

What to choose: bamboo or camel blanket

When choosing between traditional and new materials, sometimes the question arises, which filling is better: bamboo or camel. Blankets made of camel wool were also known to our great-grandmothers, frugal housewives dismissed their old product and knitted warm sweaters from threads. Now models of 2 types are produced: in the form of a plaid, as in the old days, and quilted covers with wool filling.

If you choose a flashed version, pay attention to the density of the packing, the warmth of the product depends on this indicator:

  • the warmest for frosty winters and poor heating - 420 g / m2;
  • standard, for cool indoor temperatures - from 300 g / m2;
  • lightweight, for normal temperature in the apartment - from 220 g / m2;
  • for the summer period - from 200 g / m2.


When buying a plaid, check whether hard or soft wool was used to make it. If the material is poorly processed, the blanket will prick.

A blanket made of camel wool absorbs sweat well, but it is quickly ventilated and does not accumulate unpleasant odors. It is not electrified, warms well, helps to relax. Manufacturers claim that the lanolin contained in the camel's hair has healing properties, helps with diseases of the spine, rheumatism, improves skin condition. Believe it or not, such promises - decide for yourself. Perhaps this healing substance can withstand the processing of raw materials and have a therapeutic effect through the cover and duvet cover. The disadvantage of woolen products is that they can cause allergies and serve as a home for ticks and moth larvae.

When choosing a bamboo filler, make sure that the blanket contains pure material, not a synthetic winterizer or feather with a small addition of bamboo. Such blankets are expensive, but they do not cause allergies, repel dust well, and allow air to pass through. Under them you will not sweat in the heat and will not freeze in a cool room. The advertisement states that the material contains honey pectin, which is very beneficial for the skin. How this statement is true is already mentioned in the paragraph on lanolin in camel filler. Decide for yourself which blanket is best for you, woolen or bamboo, they both deserve good reviews.

Kid under the covers

Baby blanket

For a newborn, it is advisable to purchase a blanket made of natural hypoallergenic materials. The baby’s muscles are still very weak, a heavy cotton blanket will put pressure on the tiny body, and keep it awake. At normal room temperatures, a too warm model will cause sweat, diaper rash, and colds. Do not immediately reject this filler, it is perfect for arranging a child’s playing place on the floor. Please note that cotton wool does not tolerate washing and a rare dry cleaning will take up the processing of such a product. Immediately tune in that when the baby grows up, a cotton blanket will have to be thrown out or taken to the cottage to warm the seedlings.

For walks in the winter, it is better to purchase a woolen baby blanket. If the baby does not have allergies, opt for natural materials. Get a warm model that can be washed at home. Wool and fluff pass air well and absorb moisture, the child will be able to breathe fresh air for a long time and will not feel discomfort.


When buying bedding for children, be sure to ask the seller for a quality certificate. It should indicate how old the product is.

For sleeping in the apartment and walking in the summer, a blanket from a bike is perfect. It is lightweight, does not take up much space, it is very simple to put such a product in a bag and take it to the cottage or to visit relatives.Do not worry if the baby smears the fabric with food or your secretions, throw the blanket from the bike into the washing machine, dry it and you can use it again.

It is difficult to get one blanket for all seasons, but you don’t go outside in a fur coat in the summer, and in the winter in one silk dress. Get several models of varying degrees of warmth on the filler, so that in the severe frost and in the heat you can comfortably hide and sleep comfortably. Consider the possibility of an allergy: if a sample without packaging hangs on a display window, smell it, put it on your hand, and see if a negative reaction forms. Do not spare time, choose the best option, a reward for your work will be a quiet, sound sleep.

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