How to choose a comfortable mattress for a double bed, suitable for both?

The young family decided to live separately, found a good apartment, now it needs to be furnished. First of all, it is necessary to solve the question of how to choose a mattress for a double bed so that the newlyweds can rest comfortably. After the wedding, the spouses are busy with a very important thing: they need to conceive a child. Love passions will take some time from a night's rest, but then you need to have a good night's sleep in order to meet the new day strong and vigorous.

New double bed mattress

What are the mattresses for adult beds

The spine of an adult has already formed, acquired the necessary bends, now you need to maintain its correct shape for many years. If there are any problems with your back, you need to equip a berth in accordance with the doctor's recommendations - he will advise you to choose an orthopedic mattress for a double bed, which will best protect your spine from deformation. On a quality design it will be convenient and useful to lie to your partner. Basically, all models are produced with the effect of supporting the correct position of the body, but in some products this quality is more pronounced, and in some it is weaker.

To choose the right accessories for sleeping, you need to figure out which mattresses on the double bed manufacturers offer us. Each model has advantages and disadvantages; when buying, you need to consider your weight, physique, age, and favorite sleep position. Often, buyers prefer spring products. Metal structures will create sufficient softness and at the same time provide good support to the spine.

In the springless version, the filler gives elasticity:

  • coconut coir;
  • latex;
  • polyurethane foam;
  • holofiber;
  • foam rubber.

Natural materials are more expensive, but they will last longer than synthetics. Sometimes you can find reviews that an unpleasant odor comes from latex. Such products are best purchased in advance, freed from packaging and allowed to ventilate for several weeks. Carefully read the composition of the filler: instead of coir, you can be offered coconut flakes, and latex can be either natural or artificial.

Young couple on a comfortable bed

Criteria for choosing a mattress

Accessories for sleeping are not cheap, they are purchased for several years, so the choice of a mattress should be carried out with all seriousness. If the purchase is unsuccessful, you will have to experience discomfort at night for a long time, rest will not be full, during the day you may experience back pain. Think in advance and write down all your requirements so that when you come to the store you will not wander in confusion among the huge assortment, but immediately find the models you need.

Be sure to consider:

  • sizes
  • degree of rigidity;
  • spring version or elastic filler;
  • maximum permissible load;
  • doctor's recommendations for spinal problems.

You can buy a bed complete with a mattress, it is much more convenient than looking for a suitable frame and soft part. Only the suitable option may not be in the store: either the design of the base is not like, then the quality of the mattress is not satisfied. If you buy a bed separately, the necessary dimensions of the mattress can be found in the passport of the frame. The base can last for many years - perhaps you have already changed the soft part several times, and all documents have already been lost. Do not focus on the length and width of the "non-native" mattress, measure all sides of the frame from the inside, and you will get the right size of the soft part.The permissible difference is 1 cm, if the discrepancy is greater, look for another mattress with a suitable perimeter.


It is desirable that both the mattress and the base are made by one firm or at least in one country. In different states, measures of length may vary, and the sizes will not match.

If the weight of both spouses is small, the indicator of the maximum allowable load does not matter much. The passport of a double mattress should indicate how much weight one berth can withstand. Be guided by the weight of the heaviest of partners - the bed should withstand its pressure. Do not calculate the arithmetic mean of your indicators: if the design is weak, the lightweight spouse will sleep comfortably, and under a heavy mattress it will be deformed.

Elastic mattress

How stiff should a berth be

If a straight back and a beautiful posture are of great importance to a person, he needs to acquire a hard mattress. The same rule applies to equipping a bed for children and adolescents: their spine is still growing, as a result of spending the night in an overly soft bed, the child can remain stooped for life. For older people, the soft version is more suitable, and semi-rigid will benefit everyone, for a double bed this is the best solution.

Young spouses need to buy a hard or medium version, since up to 25 years the spine continues to form. A few years later, the mattress will serve its term, and the backs of young people will get stronger. Now you can purchase a softer model. Closer to retirement, you want comfort, muscles and joints begin to hurt. On hard beds, sleeping becomes uncomfortable, it's time to get a soft mattress. If you can’t decide how stiff your bed should be, consult an orthopedist.

When buying, consider your weight. A model with a body weight of less than 55 kg should sleep on a soft bed, an athlete over 90 kg on a hard bed. Anyone who is between these weight categories is more suitable for the middle option. Consider the pose in which you sleep. The toughest models are suitable for sleeping on the stomach, the softest ones are for sleeping on the side, and the average option is optimal for sleeping on the back.

Mattress with independent spring unit

Spring mattress selection

The quality of the mattress depends not only on the number and type of springs, but also on how they are related. If the entire system is combined into one unit, the effect on one area will be reflected in the entire bed. When two people sleep on a mattress, any movement of one of them will disturb the other. Such models do not last long, with time dents and bumps appear on them, sleep becomes uncomfortable and harmful to the spine. Imagine that the weight difference between husband and wife is very large. At night, a heavy spouse will compress the common spring system, instead of a mattress, a small slide will turn out. One person will slide down it, at the risk of being on the floor, the other will slide to the middle and will push the partner down even more.

If each spring is placed in an individual cell, it is compressed and expanded independently of the others. You can choose a mattress for a double bed, one half of which is more rigid and the other much softer. This option is convenient for spouses who have a big difference in weight or different requirements for rigidity. There is an orthopedic option in which hard and soft sections are combined in a special way.


The resource has collected information on how the layout of the springs affects the quality of the mattress. When buying, give preference to the model, where at 1 m2 their largest number, such products are more durable and better maintain the correct position of the body.

You have chosen the spring system very carefully, now do not forget to pay attention to the upholstery. If the synthetic fabric does not let air through, it will be uncomfortable to sleep. It is better to choose a jacquard coating with the addition of artificial fibers, it is elastic and retains an attractive appearance for a long time. It is good if the cover can be removed and washed.

Mattress for two with different stiffness

What to do if tastes do not match

In the West, husband and wife often sleep in different beds and even in different rooms. It is in the traditions of our people that spouses should sleep nearby. Here, disagreements may arise on the equipment of the berth. A pampered wife wants to sleep on a bed as soft as clouds, and her husband prefers a Spartan lifestyle and a hard bed. Problems can also arise due to diseases. Deformed joints of one partner will experience pain from a hard coconut coir, and pathologies in the spine of another will not allow him to sleep on soft foam.

There are several ways to solve such problems. You can purchase a mattress with one side hard and the other soft. Turn it over once a week, and 7 nights will be comfortable for one spouse, then another will turn. The option is not very successful, why force your loved one to go awake for a whole week. It is better for everyone to choose a narrow model that is convenient for themselves and lay them side by side. To prevent mattresses from moving apart at night, place them in one cover. With this method, it is important that both products have the same thickness.

If the problem is that the weight of the spouses is very different, buy a mattress with double springs inserted one into the other. When the light wife lies on the bed, only the external springs will bend, and the bed will adjust to her back. A heavy husband lays on the other side, external elements bend strongly under him, but the internal parts come into work that prevent the mattress from bending much. The system is quite complex, and some manufacturers have come up with a solution much easier. One half of the mattress is made stiff and the other soft, and everyone can choose a berth to their liking.

A person’s sleep should be not only comfortable, but also healthy. You can choose an incredibly soft feather bed in which you can drown, enjoy its tenderness. But in the morning the back will hurt, muscles that could not relax in an uncomfortable position will begin to feel tired. Modern developments allow each person to choose a comfortable mattress, which, with sufficient softness, will support the back in the correct position. Approach the bed equipment with all seriousness, and in the morning you will wake up in a cheerful and cheerful mood.

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