How to sew a mattress in a baby stroller with your own hands?

Sometimes the question arises, how to sew a mattress in a stroller with your own hands. It is not so difficult, you will need minimal sewing skills. It is good if there is a sewing machine, since it will take a long time to sew manually, and the seams will not be so reliable.

Batting and Cotton Fabric

What materials are needed?

Little children in a stroller - first a cradle, and then a walk - spend a lot of time. They sleep on walks or stare around. Of course, parents worry about the comfort of the kids. To make the child comfortable to lie or sit, a mattress is needed. But it does not always come bundled. There are also situations that he is too thin and the baby is uncomfortable to rest.

You can find a suitable mattress in children's goods stores. But this is not so simple: different models of strollers differ in the size of a berth or seat, and the shape also often does not match. But even if you choose a mattress for a specific cradle or stroller, then your mother may not be happy with the filler or color. In such cases, it is worth trying to make this accessory yourself.

You need to start by preparing the necessary materials. For filler are best suited:

  • batting;
  • foam rubber;
  • synthetic winterizer.

All of them have pros and cons, and are allowed to be used in products for children. recommends choosing batting as it is a cotton fabric of natural origin.

The material requirements for the upper part of the mattress are minimal: the fabric should be hypoallergenic and allow air to pass through well. Then the baby will not freeze in the cold season, and in the summer it will not be hot. The best option is calico or chintz. You can choose any color you wish. It can be calm pastel colors, bright patterns or fabric to match the stroller.

In addition to materials, it is necessary to prepare sewing accessories:

  • a small piece of soap or crayon;
  • scissors;
  • a needle with a wide enough eye;
  • threads matching the color of the selected fabric, as well as contrasting threads for sweeping;
  • safety pins;
  • piece of oilcloth;
  • marker.

Diagram of cutting a mattress in a pram

How to make a pattern?

It’s unlikely that it will be possible to find a finished pattern for a mattress, since the sizes of the strollers are different. Meanwhile, the mattress should match the selected children's vehicle. Too large a product will be deformed, and too small - to fidget along the bottom during walks. In either case, the child will begin to feel discomfort.

To avoid this, you must independently make a pattern. You can find out the exact size if you place a piece of oilcloth on the bottom of the stroller (it can be replaced with dense polyethylene) and circle the contour with a previously prepared marker. Just do not rush to cut: the pattern should be laid a place for seams. So from the edge of the contour it is necessary to retreat 1.5 cm to the seams and a little to the thickness of the product. After this, the pattern is cut out.


It is worth making several interchangeable mattress covers. This will allow you not to wash the mattress every time if the pollution is insignificant.

How to make blanks?

Then make blanks of fabric and filler, which is most often batting. The pattern is simply laid out on the fabric and encircled with chalk or soap. Experienced seamstresses say that it is the soap that is more convenient to use: it does not get your hands dirty and is easily wiped off the fabric. The result should be three identical pieces: two fabric and one batting.

Next, you need to prepare the fabric for the stitch. This is a required procedure. If the mattress is not quilted, then the filler after a couple of washings will begin to go astray. It is better to use a sewing machine.You can go the simple way and quilting the product in even vertical and horizontal lines to get neat squares.

But if you choose a more original option, then the stitch will become a decoration of the mattress. You can make flowers, snowflakes and other interesting ornaments. To do this, you will have to prepare in advance: cut out the intended pattern from paper and, applying it to the front side of one of the pieces of fabric, gently circle.

Mattress for baby in a stroller

How to stitch?

Now you need to figure out how to sew a mattress. Batting should be wrapped with fabric so that its front side is located inside. This design is fixed with safety pins and a temporary stitch is made, 1.5 cm indent from the edge. It is convenient for her to use contrasting threads: they are easier to see while working with the sewing machine, and then pull them out.

When the temporary stitch is ready, you need to make sure that all parts are connected evenly. After that, you can proceed to the machine line. It should go strictly along the line of the time line. To later turn the mattress, you need to leave a hole of about 10 cm on one side. After this, you need to sew up the remaining area, fasten the threads, remove the temporary stitches and pins. To complete the work, it is necessary to quilted the mattress, moving along pre-defined lines.

A stroller mattress is made in the same way as a cradle. But there is a difference: in the strollers there are safety belts that allow you to keep the active child in place. Therefore, slots for them need to be taken care of in advance.

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