How to choose the best decubitus mattress

Bedridden patients require special care. Their berth should be perfectly equipped to eliminate any discomfort. But the point in this case is not only convenience. Due to limited movement there is a risk of pressure sores. To prevent this, you need to purchase a special mattress. Even if you have an expensive and high-quality orthopedic mattress, you will have to put it aside: in this case, the berth should be made in a special way. Which decubitus mattress is better and what are the features of such products? Let's try to figure it out.

Lying patient


First, find out what pressure sores are and why they appear.

Pressure ulcers are dead skin cells. These changes are caused by pressure on the tissues, which leads to metabolic disorders in the cells. Metabolism is carried out using capillaries - tiny blood vessels. The fact is that they are very elastic, so they are deformed under pressure. Because of this, blood flow is disturbed. If this does not last long, then there will be no consequences. But with pressure on the vessels for more than two hours, changes begin. The problem is that bedridden patients are in this position for much longer.

Most of all, the nape, buttocks, shoulder blades and sacrum are most prone to the appearance of pressure sores.

You will say that this problem is easy to solve - you only need to periodically turn the patient over.

  • First of all, this is not so easy. It is difficult to carry out this procedure with an adult at least every two hours.
  • Secondly, due to friction during turning, the skin is also damaged (especially if it is wet from sweat).
  • Thirdly, even special beds with a movable head can be dangerous - when lifting this part, the body slides down, and the skin is again at risk.

So the only reliable solution remains anti-decubitus mattresses.

Anti-decubitus mattress in a cover

The main types

There are several varieties of mattresses. The doctor helps to choose a specific one, determining the patient’s state of health - different types are suitable depending on its severity. In addition, the decision will be affected by the fact that a person may already have pressure sores.

So, the two main types of mattresses are:

  • static
  • dynamic.

How do they differ?

Static is a regular fixed mattress that is not equipped with a compressor. It differs from models that do not have a medical purpose in its structure - this mattress is not an integral canvas. It consists of a large number of cells. Thanks to this design, the model adapts to the anatomical features of a person and does not allow the same load on all parts of the body. Such a mattress is recommended for relatively mobile patients who simply need bed rest.

Another variety is dynamic (or dynamic) mattresses. They also differ from conventional models in design. Additionally, such products are equipped with a compressor. With it, you can adjust the pressure in different parts of the mattress. This option is necessary for absolutely motionless patients. But for those who are able to move independently, it will be very uncomfortable.

Anti-decubitus box

Tubular or cellular

Dynamic mattresses are also divided into several types. They are united by a general design principle:

  • do not consist of a single web, but of individual segments;
  • a compressor is connected to them, which regulates the pressure in individual cells.Due to this, pressure on individual skin areas is constantly changing, and this prevents the possibility of pressure sores.

These species differ in the form of segments.

Tubular mattress

Tubular models

Tubular mattresses consist of a large number of cylinders, empty inside. They are located across the canvas of the mattress. A compressor connected to the entire web gradually distills air from the lower to the upper and vice versa.

However, there are more expensive models. Their feature is that all cylinders are placed in separate covers and can be removed, replaced and interchanged. Those tubes that are located in the head part cannot be disconnected.

There are also mattresses, the surface of which has many microscopic holes. Due to this, the skin breathes and sweats less (which, as we recall, is also the cause of pressure sores).

Models with this design are necessary for people who cannot move at all. In addition, they can withstand a lot of weight - more than one hundred and twenty kilograms. They are suitable for those who already have severe pressure ulcers.

Cellular mattress

Mesh models

Another type of dynamic mattresses are mesh models. They do not consist of cylinders, but of orderly arranged parts resembling the shape of a honeycomb. The outer coating is made of a material that is easy to clean - this is important for immobile patients. A compressor and a power supply are also attached to the mattress.

These mattresses also have several varieties. There are, for example, models with laser perforation. As with tubular mattresses, air vents are necessary so that the skin cools evenly and does not sweat.

There are dynamic cellular mattresses that do not need a compressor and power supply to operate. The effect is achieved thanks to the design features. Such models consist of cells, while all parts are connected to each other. At the slightest movement on such a mattress, air moves between different sectors without the aid of electronics.

Mattresses of this design are suitable for patients with less serious diseases - when they can move, but do not get out of bed. They also help prevent bedsores or alleviate the condition with minor damage. These models have a weight limit of not more than one hundred kilograms.

Caring for a bed patient

How to choose the right model

So, what you need to pay attention to when choosing a mattress?

  • The weight of the patient, the severity of his condition, whether he has pressure sores. What kind of mattress you need to choose depends on all these factors. In this case, there is no question of which mattress is better. It's just that they all suit different people.
  • Do not take the first available model, but first make sure that it fits the size of your bed. A mattress that is larger than a bed will be absolutely ineffective: air circulation will be disturbed in it. If it turns out to be smaller than the bed, then this, obviously, will be inconvenient for the person lying on it.
  • Like most conventional mattresses, such treatment models are made of polyurethane foam. But when buying, you still need to pay attention to the material. It is worth spending a little more money, but to buy a mattress with perforation - thanks to it, a person will sweat less. It will also be more convenient to model covered with easy-to-clean material.
  • If you buy a dynamic mattress, then check the compressor - it should not be too noisy. magazine recommends buying a model that has several power modes, different cycles and the option “statics”.
  • The brand is also important. The manufacturers are described in more detail below.

Bed with anti-decubitus mattress

Where to buy a mattress

You may not be able to find the right mattress right away. The fact is that they are extremely rare in ordinary pharmacies. You can purchase them offline:

  • in pharmacies where there is a specialized orthopedic department;
  • in stores "Medtekhnika".

And the easiest way is to use the services of orthopedic online stores and online pharmacies. Their advantages:

  • a huge assortment, while in ordinary stores the whole range of models is not always presented and in any case you have to make an order;
  • different delivery options (including courier directly to the apartment);
  • the opportunity to compare different options and find the most profitable without leaving home.

Mattress Orthoforma M-0021

Popular models

Consider the most popular models of mattresses from different manufacturers:

  • Orthoforma M-0003. This is a mesh model. The advantage is the presence of perforation, strength (unlike most mattresses of this design, it can withstand weight up to one hundred and twenty kilograms) and hypoallergenic material. Also included with this model are glue and several patches - for self-repair of the mattress, which extends its life. The cost does not exceed three and a half thousand rubles.
  • Orthoforma M-0021. This is a tubular model. It also has microscopic holes. A feature of this mattress is even greater strength - it can withstand weight up to one hundred thirty-five kilograms. A nice bonus can be considered two additional cylinders that come with it. The cost is about seven thousand rubles.
  • One of the most reliable foreign brands is the German ADL. Fairly inexpensive model - Pro air. This model is ideal for the prevention of pressure sores. It provides maximum ventilation and prevents sweating. The maximum weight that the model can withstand is one hundred kilograms. Its cost does not exceed six thousand rubles.

Anti-decubitus mattress with compressor


So, an anti-decubitus mattress is not a whim, but a really necessary thing for a person whose mobility is limited due to illness (including burns). It protects the skin from the appearance of pressure sores - damaged areas. The reason for their occurrence is precisely the restriction of movements, due to which pressure is constantly applied to the same parts of the body. It limits the metabolism in these parts.

Thanks to such mattresses, even in the absence of movement, the pressure is constantly redistributed between different sections.

There are two main types - static and dynamic mattresses. The latter are also divided into cellular and tubular. The choice depends on the condition of the person. Which model is suitable in a particular case - only a doctor can solve this question.

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