How to sleep on a medical orthopedic pillow

Probably, everyone already knows that a high-quality orthopedic pillow is much more beneficial for our body than the most ordinary downy pillow. Only now, far from everyone is ready for such a purchase, not knowing how to choose the right product and how to use it later. If you want to know how to sleep properly on an orthopedic pillow so that it brings maximum benefit, you need to consider many nuances.

Woman on orthopedic pillow

Why do you need an orthopedic pillow

Young people rarely care about their health, since it does not bother them. Usually they start to solve a problem when it is already running. That is why, by the age of 40, many suffer from frequent headaches and discomfort in the cervical spine. All this is due to the fact that most do not think about how to sleep properly, because a lot depends on this.

Of course, an orthopedic pillow is not a salvation from all diseases, but many problems can be avoided if you start using it. In the correct position, the body will be able to unload the muscles and rest well, which means that in the morning you will not be tired. The neck and shoulders will not strain, you will not have pain.

Often, an orthopedic pillow is prescribed by doctors to their patients who already have any problems with the spine. In many cases, this decision leads to positive results in the shortest possible time. If you combine this with other procedures, then you can get rid of some diseases.

Orthopedic pillow Trelax

The choice

Back problems are found in every second person. Even if they aren’t right now, you need to take care of your spine to always stay healthy and active. In this you can help physical exercise, as well as sleep in the right conditions. In order for the spine to really rest, and the brain received enough oxygen, you need to get a good orthopedic pillow.

First of all, you need to pay attention to the height of the pillow, as this parameter can vary from 8 to 14 centimeters. In order for you to sleep comfortably, you need to choose your own pillow. Calculating the correct height, by the way, is not difficult at all. You just need to measure the distance from the base of the neck to the edge of the shoulder. Now this figure needs to be added another 1-2 centimeters. For example, your shoulder length is 9 centimeters. So the pillow should be taken at a height of about 10-11 centimeters, then you have a comfortable sleep.


In the event that you have wide shoulders, there may be problems finding the right pillow, as the models simply will not be in the store. But do not panic, buy a pillow with the maximum height and, if necessary, put a terry towel under it. In this way, you can adjust the thickness of the roller exactly as you feel comfortable.

Specialists of the site recommend paying attention to other nuances so that you can choose the perfect model for your sleep.

  • If you are used to sleeping on your back, then choose options harder and with an average height of the roller.
  • For people who sleep on their stomachs, it’s best to choose softer options.
  • The height of the roller should be increased if you sleep on a very soft mattress.
  • If you want to constantly put a hand on the pillow, then this means that its height is too low and you need to choose another option.
  • Sometimes people complain that in the morning they have pain in their shoulders. This can only mean one thing - the pillow for sleeping is too low, and the mattress is too soft.

Many may still be bothered by the fact that it is impossible to pick up bedding on these pillows. This is actually not the case. You can easily put on pillows ordinary pillowcases or covers, which are sold in specialized stores.

Sleep on an orthopedic pillow

Proper and healthy sleep

After you have already chosen the right model for yourself, you need to understand all the nuances that will help you get the most benefit. The fact is that, choosing the wrong posture for sleep, you may encounter pain in the neck, which is not the best way affects health. In the future, this can lead to serious health problems. Do not expect that buying an orthopedic pillow will magically teach you how to sleep. For this, you will need to consider some rules.

  1. You must remember that an orthopedic pillow is necessary in order to support the neck, not the head. This is very important to consider, especially at the first time when you are just starting to use the new device.
  2. Quality products have two sides - higher and lower. This is done specifically so that a person chooses a comfortable option for himself. During sleep, the head and neck should be in the correct position, the only way to achieve an anatomically correct position for your spine.
  3. If you prefer to sleep on your back, it is best to put a side with a lower height under your head. If your favorite pose is on your side, then choose a side with a high height. This will help you get the most out of your sleep, as the roller will take up free space between your head and neck, allowing you to completely relax your muscles.


If you notice that after sleep you only have more muscle pain, then this means that the height of the pillow is chosen incorrectly. Also, this may be due to the fact that out of habit you put your hands under it, which does not affect the quality of sleep in the best way.

The position of the spine during sleep on the pillow

Osteochondrosis sleep

Many people develop a disease such as osteochondrosis with age. The main reasons are lack of physical exertion, sedentary work and regular incorrect position of the spine. Fortunately, this disease can be eliminated if you have patience. It is necessary to go for massage to good specialists, and also not to refuse such procedures as electrophoresis. However, all this can be ineffective if you continue to sleep in the wrong position and on an uncomfortable pillow, loading your spine.

Some experts recommend sleeping without any pillow if you have osteochondrosis. Such recommendations will not lead to anything good! A pillow is needed, otherwise the cervical vertebrae will not be able to relax and will be loaded during sleep. Choose models that are not very tall and soft. The height should correspond to the length of the shoulder, you do not need to add anything to this parameter.

Do not think that if a soft and low pillow is allowed, then you can choose the usual one, not the orthopedic one. In this case, the head will fail, which means that its position will be the same as that of the body, which is not suitable for people with osteochondrosis. The vertebrae are displaced - and a person wakes up in the morning with a very strong and acute headache. If you pick the right product, then this problem will be easy to get rid of. Choose rectangular models with a tight roller. Do not save if you want to get results.

Only with the help of an orthopedic pillow can the neck be given the correct position in which the vessels are not compressed and the vertebrae are not displaced. Thus, you will get rid of headaches and unpleasant sensations in the neck after a long sleep.

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