How to cook rice - detailed instructions?

To properly cook rice, you first need to rinse it in water until transparent, cleaning it from dust and foreign particles. To do this, put the groats in a colander and substitute under a stream of running water.

It is easier to control the transparency of the water by pouring water into a bowl of cereal, shaking slightly and draining the liquid. All pop-up grains need to be removed.

If the cereal is soaked for 20-60 minutes or more, it will boil twice as fast, and there will be a minimal amount of starchy substances in it, and the taste will be more saturated.

After soaking, water must be drained - along with dust, fine particles and starch. The amount of cooking liquid should be reduced.

Tip. To prepare sticky dishes, rice does not need to be washed. One rinse of dust is enough.

The standard proportions of water and rice are approximately 2: 1. Exact numbers for cooking different types:

rice cooking time

It is important to observe the proportions of water and rice. If you pour more, it will turn out liquid, if less, the grains will be hard.

Different types of rice

Rice cookware

Rice can be cooked on the stove in a saucepan, pan, slow cooker, rice cooker, baked in the oven, there are recipes for cereals in pots.

So that the grains do not stick to the bottom of the pan, the dishes should be selected with a thick bottom and a tight-fitting lid with a steam outlet, and stir the cereal periodically during cooking.

You do not need to take enameled containers - it is better to use an aluminum or cast-iron pan.

What water to take, how much and when to salt

The taste of rice depends on the quality of the water. If there is no bottled clear water, filtered or boiled water is suitable. It is better to salt before filling the rice in the pan.

For 1 glass of rice is taken no more than 1 tsp. spice. The water will boil longer, but do not have to mix the cereal. Salt and seasonings can be added to an already prepared dish.

boiled rice

How to cook different types of rice for a side dish

There are three main technologies:

  • the cereal is lowered into cold water and cooked until the liquid is absorbed;
  • the grains are poured into boiling water, boiled until tender, the excess water is drained (this eliminates the risk of gluing grains);
  • cereal is added to the fried meat and stewed in a small amount of liquid (for example, for pilaf).

The first option is the classic one, depending on the type of cereal, the details of the recipe, time and proportions will change:

  1. Kruglozerny: prepared cereals, salt and spices are poured into cold water. After boiling, the fire is reduced to a minimum, rice is covered with a lid and cooked until the water evaporates completely, usually the whole process takes 20-25 minutes. No need to stir.
  2. Mid-grain is cooked after boiling for about 25 minutes, then it is infused for 5-10 minutes. In this case, it is better to replace the lid with a clean towel: it absorbs excess moisture and retains heat better. When insisted, the rice will be more flavorful.
  3. Long-grain species are cooked 15-20 minutes after boiling, over low heat. It is important to cover the container with a lid - the water will evaporate more slowly, and the grains will be cooked faster and less destroyed. Leave long-grain varieties under a towel after cooking for 5-10 minutes, allowing to reach full readiness.
  4. Brown rice is cooked in the same way as long-grain varieties, but the cooking time is increased to 40 minutes, then let the cereal stand under a napkin.

Tip If the water in the pan has already boiled, and the rice is only half ready, you can add a little boiling water. But do not mix the grits, try to distribute the water evenly.

Rice cooking

Loose rice secrets

The most difficult to make friable round-grain appearance of cereals. To achieve the desired consistency from it, it will have to be washed repeatedly or soaked for half an hour, stirring occasionally, then washed several times until the water becomes clear.

For friable rice, long-grain varieties or steamed cereals are taken, which never sticks together and does not require soaking.

Important! To make a friable dish, you can not stir the cereal, otherwise the grains will break and produce starch. It is enough to mix the rice once at the beginning of cooking, so that it does not stick to the bottom of the pan.

How to cook steamed rice:

  1. Groats are thoroughly washed until the water is transparent (on average, four times).
  2. It is filled in with water in a ratio of 1: 2.
  3. Pour the grains directly into boiling water and immediately reduce the heat to a minimum.
  4. Cook under a closed lid until the liquid evaporates.
  5. The approximate cooking time is 12 minutes.

Tip The secret to friable rice from When cooking, add a drop of vegetable oil to the pan.

Rice porridge

Rice for porridge

For liquid cereal, the proportions of cereals and liquid can reach 1: 6. To get a semi-viscous consistency, 1 part of rice is poured with 4 parts of water, for a normal viscous mass, 3-4.5 parts of water is enough. For porridge "smear" are taken round and small varieties of rice.

Milk porridge is cooked from round rice. For 1 cup of round rice, 400 ml of milk and the same amount of water are taken. Before cooking, rinse the cereals, pour cold water, bring to a boil and cook for 6 minutes.

Then the fire is reduced, milk is poured. Porridge languishes and stirs over low heat for about 20 minutes.

Sushi and rolls

Rolls and sushi: rice cooking features

For dishes of Japanese cuisine there is a special variety of Japanese rice: Sen Soya, Mistral, Japanese. With some reservations, the usual round-grain one is also suitable, but it must be of the highest grade, without broken grains.

Sushi and rolls need a sticky and soft consistency, otherwise they will not keep their shape - so that the rice does not boil and is crumbly, you need to properly boil it.

Stages of cooking Japanese rice:

  1. Groats are well washed and soaked.
  2. Grains are poured with cold water in a ratio of 1: 1.5.
  3. The pan is placed on medium heat and covered with a lid. Before boiling in water, you can immerse a piece of nori seaweed. She will give the aroma characteristic of Japanese rice dishes.
  4. When the water boils, the fire is reduced to a minimum.
  5. Cooking time 15 minutes. After this, the pan is removed from the stove and left for another 15 minutes.
  6. For refueling, use 2 tbsp. rice vinegar, 1 tsp salt and as much sugar. The components are mixed in a separate pan and put on fire. Dressing is cooked until the bulk ingredients dissolve. The sauce will add extra stickiness to the mass.
  7. The slightly cooled rice is seasoned with sauce and mixed thoroughly.
  8. When the mixture has cooled, you can start cooking rolls or sushi.

There is a cooking option in a slow cooker. Japanese varieties are soaked for 30 minutes, round-grain can not be soaked. For cooking, the “rice” or “baking” mode is selected for 10 minutes + “stewing” for 20 minutes. The dressing sauce is the same.

Boiled rice for garnish

Cooking tips

Rice goes well with various spices. The taste of the dish changes if you add curry, saffron, turmeric, zira, caraway seeds, cardamom, cinnamon.

To preserve the white color of the grain during the cooking process, a pinch of citric acid or a drop of vinegar is added.

During cooking, you do not need to lift the lid - this will reduce pressure and slow down cooking.

The best seasoning for rice is butter. They put it soft so that it spreads faster through the croup. Mix carefully so as not to break the grain.

Now you know how to cook different types of rice for a side dish, for sushi and rolls. You can also cook it on a broth, stew with vegetables, meat or poultry. Enjoy your meal!

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