How to use furniture wax at home?

In the process of moving, repairing or long-term operation of wooden furniture, scratches, chips and cracks can form on their surface. Today, there are several types of specialized drugs that will help both remove scratches from furniture and update their appearance. It can be professional products, such as furniture wax or finishing, and natural products. Choosing the best tool, you need to evaluate the quality and color of the item, the size and type of damage.

cabinet scratch

Types of furniture wax and rules for its use

Wax is a universal remedy for the restoration of wooden furniture. It can be used on untreated, laminated and varnished surfaces. There are two types of product that differ in composition and physical properties:

  • Soft. Can be used to remove traces of small, shallow scratches. To do this, simply distribute the product in the problem area and eliminate the excess funds in a quarter of an hour. Then you need to polish the surface with a cotton cloth. If the damage is significant, then we apply the wax with a spatula or knife, we withstand the tool a little longer.

clean furniture scratches with liquid wax

  • Solid. Professional staff is not so easy to handle, but gives a more attractive effect. Furniture wax must first be melted, then applied to and around the lesions. After a minute, the product will harden, then you need to polish the tree, removing all processing media. High-quality implementation of the manipulation requires some skill, but the result is worth it.

solid furniture wax

In addition, there is still a touch for the processing of wooden furniture. This is a liquid product that must be thoroughly shaken before use and applied in several layers to an area with cracks or scratches.

Tip: It is best to act slowly and consistently, grinding the surface after each layer has dried. Only in this case will it be possible to achieve the desired result and the restoration performed will not even leave any traces.

It is worth considering that furniture wax cannot be replaced with ordinary or cosmetic paraffin, even if the drug is painted in a suitable color. Its texture is noticeably different from similar analogues, due to which the composition is not washed out and does not fall out of cracks.

Scratch removal with soft furniture wax

How and with what else can scratches be removed from the surface of wooden furniture?

If profile wax is unavailable for some reason, you can do it with improvised tools to restore a wooden surface, which are often the most common food products:

walnut scratch removal

  • Walnuts. We split the core and begin to rub with a cut the place of a chip or scratch, without applying physical effort. The manipulation should be continued for several minutes, after which we wipe the area with a soft cloth, removing excess oil and pulp. To fix the effect, it is recommended to sand the area with a special cloth and cover with transparent varnish.
  • Mayonnaise. White sauce needs to fill the cracks, removing excess product from the surface. Next, you just need to wait until the oil is absorbed into the wood fibers, causing it to swell. Then the crack will close on its own. After a couple of days, we remove the remains of mayonnaise, which will come to the surface.
  • Lemon juice with vegetable oil. We mix two components, taken in equal proportions, apply the resulting composition to a soft cloth and rub it into the problem area. This method will help get rid of only very small scratches, but will not leave any traces.
  • Tea brewing. It should be a fresh, cool brewed product. Most often it is used to mask chips.The technique is quite troublesome and risky, because You can not guess with the strength of the tea leaves and leave a dark spot on the surface of the furniture. Simply apply the product to the surface and do not rinse off. It is better to paint the tree in stages, stopping after reaching the desired color.
  • Coffee. We make a thick slurry from ground to a state of fine powder of coffee beans and warm water. We apply it only on scratches. It is impossible to touch entire sections. The excess mass is removed with a napkin.

clean furniture scratches with wax

In addition to products, the following products are allowed:

  • Engine oil or iodine. Choose one of these tools and apply on chips and scratches. After the product dries, be sure to grind the treated place.
  • Shoe polish. You just need to choose the right shade and apply the composition directly to the scratches. Rinse or clean them do not need.
  • Supplies for drawing. A simple and effective option for restoring wooden products. Most often, wax crayons are used for this purpose, but in extreme cases, markers will also work.

remove scratches on furniture with a pencil

Those who do not like to get around express means can use hand-made mastic. To prepare it, melt over low heat 40 g of wax. Pour 30 g of turpentine into the molten composition, mix and add a tablespoon of alcohol in a minute. Knead the mass and remove from heat. We wait until the product cools down, after which we distribute the composition over the problem area with a woolen cloth soaked in gasoline and rub it until a characteristic shine appears.

Despite the simplicity of these approaches, they are highly efficient and can restore the tree no worse than professional tools.

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