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Is it possible to wash red things with black and dark - is there a risk

Probably all the housewives know how 2 × 2: black is erased separately. Red, white, color and wool - 4 more bookmarks, you can not mix. However, what if there is no red or black on a separate bookmark, but you have no time to work with your hands? First you need to find out the reasons: how does red harm black?

Woman at the washing machine

Why can not be washed together

It is not recommended to wash red with black together for the simple reason that both types of dye have always been unstable. Previously, the problem was that things changed each other's hue. Today, dyes are more persistent, and materials are not inclined to gain someone else's color. However, bookmarks are still preferable to separate. Why?

Dyes, although no longer "contagious," are still prone to fading. So that the dark does not brighten, and the red is saturated and bright, they are washed with special means. Black - with a darkening and fixing composition, red - with a gel (powders are not desirable), more intense than conventional means of fixing the dye.

Colored laundry

One of the popular ways - before the last rinse, pour 1 tbsp. Into the washing machine l vinegar, with manual rinsing - 1 tbsp. for 10 liters However, what will happen if at this time black and red are in the drum or basin?

This is a mystery akin to the secret of the Schrodinger cat - it’s not worth the risk. recommends washing black in a car, and red with either dark pink or a basin, in order to save power and electricity, entrusting the rinse to the washing machine.

Machine washable

When to wash together

Despite all the limitations, modern dyes, fabrics and even more washing gels allow you to throw red to black, especially when it comes to underwear and two-three-color t-shirts with light dirt. Such things can be launched with a means for color for a short program, both types are suitable temperature of 30 degrees and strictly without additional rinsing.

Colored things

Resource Author conducted a series of experiments and noted that “Weasel protection of color” is one of the best options: both black and red remained bright and did not shed. Do not hurt the shades and "Persil Color". With the “Synergetic” remedy, colors are kept worse, and red takes on a dark shade a little, however, it does not blacken and does not become stained.

The effect was stronger on children's pink underwear made of 100% soft (respectively, the fibers are quite fluffy, without a strong twist) cotton: fuchsia darkened by one tone. It also turned out that absolutely nothing should be done.

Persil Color and Synergetics

Do not run red with black by adding a detergent for washing dark things, especially cheap one that paints and does not block fading, otherwise you will have to say goodbye to bright scarlet.

Thus, washing black with red is not the best option, it is strictly impossible to soak them together, leaving them in the basin for an hour or longer. If all the same things start together, you need to put a gentle program, without additional rinsing, and choose a gel for color (not for black), with color protection.

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