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Is it possible to wash the waterproof and orthopedic mattress cover in the washing machine

Mattress covers take on not only all the friction, but also almost all the dust and litter that breaks under the sheet or passes through it. If simple single-layer accessories do not raise questions, they are washed every 3-6 months, then what about orthopedic and waterproof mattress covers? They can also be washed in a washing machine, it is enough to adhere to a number of simple rules.

Mattress cover

The most popular brands of mattress covers:

  • Ascona: the company always justifies very high prices by high quality and advanced technologies).
  • Ormatek: the brand offers more affordable and equally high-quality accessories and bedding.
  • Vegas stands in the same price segment as the previous brand.

The magazine notes that leading brands often overcharge, and there is no point in overpaying if you need a mattress pad without a filler. Accessories of budget brands "Gokert" or "Perlmalva", popular in "Ikea", are quite coping with their tasks.

How to wash a waterproof mattress cover

A canvas coated from the inside with a special waterproof layer with micropores is also called a membrane. It is hygroscopic, breathable and does not allow water or dirt to pass through it. Sleeping on it is comfortable and pleasant: the body breathes, and excess sweat is absorbed in the summer and does not bother a person.

waterproof mattress cover

However, there are also these weaknesses and mattress covers: the layer cannot be damaged, and the pores clog over time, so preventive washing with a technological accessory is needed even more often than with a regular fabric accessory.

How often to wash a mattress pad?
Normal is enough at the end of each season. Aquastop - every 2-3 months. Any mattress cover is recommended to be knocked out or vacuum cleaned once a week, and for a membrane, a nozzle with a long soft bristle is preferred, in no case a turbo.

How to machine wash without damaging the membrane:

  1. Since the volume of the accessory allows you to run it separately from other things.
  2. Powders, especially those with blue fractions, are strictly forbidden, as are conditioners, stain removers and bleaches (separately or as part of a detergent).
  3. Absolutely not suitable for membrane dry cleaning due to aggressive cleaning agents.
  4. Gentle liquid products and capsules are the best solution. They are quietly rinsed out without damaging the moisture repellent layer and without clogging the pores.
  5. If spots are found on the mattress cover, it is better to wash them immediately. If they managed to soak and dry, you need to treat the pollution with a colorless toilet soap, let it lie down for a bit, and then send it for regular washing.
  6. What mode? Choose the option "Delicate", "Synthetics", "Manual". The water temperature is cool, 30 degrees, the number of revolutions is 400 maximum, preferably without spin. An additional rinse will not be superfluous.
  7. Even a children's mattress cover should be erased only on a gentle program, otherwise it will simply cease to fulfill its functions. For the elimination of odors and disinfection are responsible for double rinsing and sheets of medium and high density ironed at the maximum of poplin, satin or calico (130-160 g / m)2).
  8. Machine drying is prohibited, as is drying under the sun, on hot appliances and with a hairdryer.
  9. It is recommended to straighten the mattress cover, throwing it through two or three ropes, with the fabric side inward.
  10. Most likely, water will drain from the membrane - so it’s worth laying an absorbent tissue or substitute 1-2 basins under the accessory.
  11. Under its own weight, the mattress pad will cope with no hitch.
  12. Ironing a bedding is strongly discouraged. In extreme cases, walk along the fabric side with an iron with minimal heating and strictly without steaming.

waterproof mattress cover

In tourist, sports and some hardware stores special sprays are sold that allow you to restore the worn layer of the membrane - they must be used strictly in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.

Orthopedic mattress covers

This type of accessory is different in thickness: it contains one or more layers of filling, which supports the back and makes the berth more comfortable and healthy. magazine recommends purchasing these mattress covers only with removable covers.

It is impossible to wash the fillers, this will lead to their deterioration, especially when it comes to memory foam or coconut coir. In addition, they are usually too bulky and do not fit into the drum of the machine. However, hand wash, for example, in the bath is contraindicated for them (unless otherwise specified in the instructions or on the product label).

Caring for the cover as a whole is the same as for a thin mattress cover: vacuum it weekly, wash it every 3-6 months in a gentle mode with gel.

Orthopedic mattress covers

Material Based Care

The most important point is what the cover is made of. Ascona offers an ultramodern and ultra-soft breathable fabric that is comfortable and hygienic, but does not tolerate contact with coarse fabrics, strong friction, etc. It is better to wash such covers in the wool mode.

Microfiber, bamboo and cotton are more stable, but they are all afraid of hot water: the first is deformed, the second is thinned, and the third shrinks. However, they perfectly tolerate intensive washing on the Cotton or ECO Cotton program (temperature - 40 degrees), so it is permissible to run them two or even three at a time, if the volume of the drum allows.

Ascona waterproof cover

Woolen mattress toppers require particularly careful care. Dry cleaning (knocking out, vacuuming, brushing) is preferable for them. Once every six months, more often the mattress cover still has to be washed. The water should be cool, 30-40 degrees, and the washing cycle should be short, it is categorically not recommended to soak such an accessory: the wool will sit down very much.

The mattress cover saves expensive bedding from wear, dust and other contaminants. You need to wash it in order to maintain the cleanliness of the bed and extend the life of the mattress and accessory. Fortunately, most mattress covers or their covers are easy to wash in an automatic machine without harming their qualities.

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