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How to remove the stain from the gel pen - many good ways

Modern parents are familiar with the problem of stain removal, because children love to write with gel pens. We will determine how to remove the gel pen from clothes efficiently and quickly, consider and compare different methods of stain removal.

Gel pen flowed in your pocket

What is important to know

First of all, you need to remember a number of important nuances:

  • Pastes for gel pens are alcohol-soluble and water-soluble. You need to try different methods: if it was not possible to wash off with water, use an alcohol-containing solution.
  • It is necessary to remove ink traces in cold water, since hot water only “welds” them to the material.
  • To prevent the stain from spreading, it is necessary to limit it with melted paraffin from all sides. You can remove paraffin at the end of the procedure with an iron. To do this, put paper napkins (or a towel) on top and bottom of the workpiece and iron the fabric.
  • Remember that it is better to start cleaning from the less noticeable wrong side.

Gel pen stain chemicals

Suitable chemicals

If you don’t want to spend a lot of time solving everyday problems, your choice is industrial stain removers that can be bought at any household chemical store.

  • Vanish - A popular tool that easily cleans both fresh and old stains from gel pens. It can be used for white and colored items. It acts quickly - within 10 minutes. The tool should not be used for products from silk, wool, leather, since chlorine is part of it.

Removal recommendations are very simple: first wet the contaminated area with water and treat it with gel. Then wait 10 minutes and wash the item with the addition of Vanish according to the instructions.

  • Stain remover "Expert" from Dr. Beckmann. The company produces several different cleaners - each type of stain has its own “Expert”. In this case, "Expert: pen and mascara." Valid for 10-15 minutes.

Active oxygen is present in the formula, therefore, the product should be used with caution to clean colored fabrics.

Recommendations for use: apply the gel, wait 10 minutes, then remove the residue with a clean cloth and wash the item as usual.

  • Amway SA8 stain remover. Works with all kinds of stains, including fresh and old. Active oxygen is included in its formula, therefore it is better to use it on things that do not fade. In other cases, it is worthwhile to pre-test the action tool where the flaws are not visible. Manufacturers also developed a stain remover for wool and silk. To wash a thing with Amway SA8, you need to dilute 1 tbsp. spoon of stain-removing powder in 1 glass of water, moisten the desired area and soak it in the solution for 1-3 minutes, then wash the product.

Table number 1. The effectiveness of popular chemicals

Nameapproximate pricethe cloth
"Expert" by Dr. Beckmann200+/-+-
Amway SA81000+/-++

Removing pen marks from clothes

Folk remedies

Almost all chemical bleaches harm natural fibers, especially silk. That is why experienced housewives use folk remedies at home.

  1. Soda with water will save the silk blouse. You just need to mix the ingredients to the consistency of the slurry, grease the stain with it and leave it for 5-10 minutes, then wash the thing.
  2. Warm or sour milk removes white and colored natural and delicate fabrics. If the area of ​​contamination is large, change the milk as it stains. The plan is this: heat the milk to about 37 ° C, soak the stained area in it for 30 minutes and rinse in cold water.
  3. Soda with alcohol will take care of things made from natural fabrics - both colored and white. First, treat the contaminated area with alcohol and generously sprinkle it with salt. Wait 20 minutes and rinse the product in cold water.
  4. Toothpaste will help remove traces of the pen. This method is resorted to when you need to remove stains from white clothing. To do this, apply toothpaste to the soiled thing, rub well and leave for half an hour. Wash clothes as usual.
  5. Alcohol with peroxide will wash away pollution from synthetic things of white color. Hydrogen peroxide, treat the stain, prepare a solution of one glass of water and one tablespoon of alcohol. Soak the stain with this solution, and then wash the item.
  6. Acetic acid will get rid of ink prints on synthetic things of any color. It is enough to treat them with acid, and then rub and leave for a few minutes. Upon reaching the effect you need to wash the whole thing.
  7. An ammonia solution (ammonia) will help remove ink on light synthetic fabrics. Stir a few drops of ammonia in half a glass of water and treat the problem area with the solution. Rinse the product with cold water.
  8. The gel pen paste is easily removed from any type of fabric with hairspray. Apply varnish to the contaminated area and remove the stain with an absorbent cloth. The procedure must be repeated until the traces completely disappear, and then wash the clothes.
  9. Laundry soap is the most popular remedy for housewives. It easily copes with fresh spots, and it can be used for all types of fabric. Lather the stained area, rub well and rinse it in cold water. Lather again and leave for 10–20 minutes in water, then wash the item.

Table number 2. Folk ways to remove stains

Type of fabricnaturalsynthetic
soda with waterperoxide alcohol
soda with alcoholacetic acid
Toothpasteammonia solution
laundry soaphair fixation spray
laundry soap
colorsoda with alcohol acetic acid
milkhair fixation spray
laundry soaplaundry soap

A stain from a pen on a leather wallet

Methods for clothing made from natural fabrics, leather, suede

There are special ways for leather, suede, natural nubuck, cotton and linen. However, some options from the previous section will do.

  • A mixture of alcohols. The composition is a little more effective than a mixture of alcohol and acetic acid, as it contains acetic alcohol. This method is used to remove dried stains on both tissue and skin. Mix ethyl alcohol and vinegar in equal proportions, then apply the solution to the blot and wait a few minutes. Blot with a damp cloth.
  • Warm milk. To remove a dried stain on a shirt, you must first soak it in milk for several hours. This method can be used to remove stains from natural fibers (wool, silk, cotton, linen, viscose).
  • Using ammonia you can clean things from suede: mix alcohol with water in a ratio of one to one and gently wipe the stain with the resulting solution.
  • Hairspray fresh spots of the pen from the skin are easily removed. To do this, just spray the item with varnish and wipe it with a soft absorbent cloth.
  • An aqueous solution of valerian fresh traces of gel pen from suede are removed.
  • A mixture of soda and water remove fresh pollution from pens on natural fibers.

Table number 3. Folk ways of removing old and fresh spots from the pen

Type of spotsType of material
leathersuede leathernatural fabrics
inveteratealcohol mixtureammonia solutionmilk
freshvarnishvaleriansoda with water

We hope that our tips will help you easily and quickly deal with stains from gel pens and you won’t have to part with any things that are dear to your heart.

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