How to store bananas so that they do not turn black?

How to store a banana so that they do not turn black? It all depends on the degree of maturity - the optimal and acceptable storage conditions for all types of bananas are discussed in this article.

Two bananas

Optimal conditions

Here are some general storage rules:

  1. Suitable storage air temperature is + 13-14 degrees. A sharp increase and decrease in temperature is best avoided - bananas do not tolerate such differences, their peel will soon darken and their presentation will be lost.
  2. The fruit is comfortable in rooms where air circulates well. It is recommended to store them in limbo. This facilitates the access of air to all the fruits in the bunch.
  3. Humidity in the room also plays a role. It is better if it will be 85–90%.
  4. Now attention! Fruits should not be stored in plastic bags. So moisture is retained, which provokes rapid decay.

Many bananas

How to choose bananas

It is not enough to store bananas correctly, it is worth taking care of their safety already at the time of purchase.

  1. Bananas are often sold at a discount, but buying this fruit for the future will not be profitable. You just don’t have time to eat half of what you bought.
  2. On the shelves you can see fruits with peels of different colors. This is the main indicator of maturity and shelf life. Buy fruits in green, they are stored much longer. They ripen during storage in a few days. But if you open such a fruit, it will taste grassy, ​​and the peel will not succumb so easily.
  3. Light yellow skinned bananas are ideal if they are eaten soon.
  4. Often in stores there are slightly browned fruits covered with black dots. Here they are definitely not suitable for storage, but can still be eaten.
  5. Which bananas are definitely not worth buying are those with mold marks and gray spots. Such fruits were not properly stored during transportation; their use in food threatens poisoning.

Ripe bananas

Can or not-store in the refrigerator

Refrigerated storage depends on the ripeness of the fruit. Let's start with green bananas. They are not recommended to be placed in the refrigerator, and even more so in the freezer. They fully ripen only at room temperature. To make the whole cluster yellow evenly, place it in a dark paper bag and leave it for 4-5 days. Recommended home temperature - no higher than 20 degrees.

To make the green fruit ripen faster, put it in the same bag with a ripe apple, and after ripening, put it in a fruit vase or on a stand and store at room temperature.

Bananas in the fridge

We turn to yellow bananas - those that are already suitable for food. What you need to do so that they do not blacken:

  1. It is advisable to eat them in the first 2-3 days after purchase.
  2. Choose a cool place, protected from direct sunlight.
  3. Optimum will be room temperature. If the apartment is hot, then the bottom shelf of the refrigerator will do, but this is an emergency.
  4. Before storing the fruit for storage, wrap its leg (or the junction of the bunch) with foil or tape. This will help keep the fruits yellow longer.
  5. To prevent fruits from overripe, put an unripe pear or avocado next to it. The blackening process will slow down noticeably.

And what to do with the browned fruits? recommends storing such samples in the refrigerator. There, the blackening process will slow down, and the flesh will remain dense and taste good for a long time. Nevertheless, it is recommended to eat overripe fruits at least one day after purchase.

Storage of peeled bananas

It is important to preserve the freshness of not only bananas in the peel, but also of peeled fruits.In salads and fruit slices, the darkened banana pulp does not cause appetite. There is a trick to preserving the peeled fruits: sprinkle them with lemon juice or pineapple vinegar. This will slow down the darkening process.

Peeled banana

Can bananas be prepared at home for long-term storage? Yes, in the freezer. When peeled, bananas in the freezer can last fresh for up to six months.

It is important that they are free of peel and white filament fibers. For convenience, cut the pulp into several pieces. Wrap the banana in foil or place in an airtight plastic container. But remember, if the pulp was stored in the freezer, it is suitable only for making mashed potatoes and other soft desserts.

Peeled bananas in a container

On a note

What else should you know about storing bananas? We offer a selection of additional tips and interesting facts:

  1. From artificial heat, bananas do not spur, but immediately begin to deteriorate. The same thing happens when exposed to sunlight. That is why they are stored in a cool and dark place.
  2. On sale there are supports with a hook for storing bananas. The bunch is easy to hang on a special rack. It looks beautiful when laying a table and extends the shelf life of fruits.
  3. If there are flies in the house, then bananas should be placed in a paper bag and tightly closed. Insects will not refuse to eat yellow peel.
  4. If the bananas are slightly blackened, then they can no longer be brought to the table as a whole. But the pulp is quite suitable for making sweet pastries, mashed potatoes and other desserts. The main thing is that there are no signs of mold on the peel.
  5. Banana is one of the most high-calorie fruits. However, it is a source of vitamins A, E, group B and minerals: potassium and magnesium. It is also a high-carb product, making it perfect for breakfast. However, nutritionists do not recommend eating only one banana on an empty stomach. Classic - oatmeal with banana.
  6. The pulp contains serotonin, known as the hormone of happiness. That is why it is recommended to eat a banana every day.
  7. All nutrients are maximally concentrated in the stage when the banana peel has a perfectly even yellow color. Green fruits are poorly digested due to the high starch content, so you should wait for them to ripen.
  8. Interestingly, the banana fruit is used not only in cooking, but also for cosmetic purposes. It is enough to cut the fruit into circles and attach to the face - you get a refreshing mask. A banana peel is used to treat inflammation and burns on the skin.
  9. One cannot help but recall the infamous banana peel, which is easy to slip on. Do not leave clean glasses on the floor or throw on the sidewalk.


A fruit like a banana has a number of storage requirements. Of course, not all conditions can be created within the apartment, especially with regard to temperature and humidity. But to ensure the circulation of air flow and the lack of sunlight is quite affordable. The plus is that even a slightly blackened banana is edible and can be used as directed by a skilled housewife.

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