How long can you safely store different types of meat in the freezer?

How much meat can be stored in the freezer is a broad question. Firstly, its appearance is important. Poultry, such as chicken, or large artiodactyl meat (beef or pork) are kept in the freezer for an unequal amount of time. Separate situation with minced meat, chilled meat or chopped frozen pieces.

Secondly, the temperature at which it is worth storing chicken, beef or pork in a refrigerator or freezer is important. Then - types of dishes that will help keep food fresh for a longer period. Some non-standard tips extend the freshness of the product.

Subject to the basic rules, the shelf life of meat can be significantly increased, even if it is pieces of not frozen but chilled meat or minced meat, which always deteriorates faster.

Frozen meat

How many days can you store different types of meat in the freezer?

In industrial freezers, any food can be stored for decades, but a standard home freezer is subject to a more stringent time frame, and you need to be careful about purchasing food.

  1. Cattle product (pork, beef or lamb) should be stored frozen from 4 months to a year.
  2. Poultry (whole carcasses of chicken, goose, etc.) can deteriorate faster. It can be kept in the freezer for a maximum of a year, but after 8-9 months, taste is lost.
  3. Poultry meat (chicken, turkey, duck), chopped into pieces, can calmly lie for up to 8 months.
  4. How much mincemeat can lie in the freezer even at the lowest temperature is more difficult to predict. Any chilled food (minced meat, offal) has already lain for some time in the store. The estimated shelf life of frozen minced meat is 4 months, but you should always check the expiration date on the package and subtract another month somewhere in your mind. Supermarkets often sin by re-sticking stickers with the date of manufacture if something is stale.


If there is a need to cook chicken that has been lying in the freezer for longer than the specified time, it is worth boiling it for at least an hour and a half. Various spices will help get rid of the unpleasant odor of old meat, but you need to be sure that the meat has not thawed more than once, otherwise it will no longer be suitable for cooking.

Frozen Chicken Carcasses

How long can meat be stored in a freezer at different temperatures?

Storage of meat is best done according to the temperature conditions presented in the table.

At freezer temperature, ° CMaximum storage time
-4… 02 days
-5… -124 months
-12… -177-8 months
-17… -24One year



If the house turned off the light, nothing will happen in 2-3 hours, you should not worry. However, turning off the power for a longer time may cause the bird to deteriorate. In such a situation, the product must be removed from the freezer and grated with vinegar or citric acid, and then put the food in the coolest place in the house.

Chicken or beef can not be stored for too long in the refrigerator at a temperature of 0 ° ... + 4 °. In this case, it will need to be placed in a special dish: plastic, enameled or glass, and instead of a lid use a paper towel or napkin.

The answer to the question of how to store meat in the refrigerator is simple - a maximum of two days. During this time, it must be cooked or frozen, otherwise the product will deteriorate. If the product is minced or chopped pieces (especially poultry: chicken, duck, etc.), the storage time in the refrigerator is 12 hours - half the first time.

Fresh meat and minced meat


If it is impossible to keep the meat in the freezer or refrigerator, it is recommended to wrap the product with a cloth soaked in a solution of salicylic acid, which can be bought at a pharmacy, to preserve freshness. Also, to preserve freshness, you can dip a piece of poultry into ice milk or yogurt. Any of the methods presented preserves the freshness of the product for 10 hours, not more.

So, the meat can lie in the freezer for quite some time. Meat products of large animals, such as beef or pork, can be stored for a year or more, but poultry meat, such as chicken or turkey, can be stored at low temperature for no longer than 12 months. The most important thing is to know exactly the “age” of food, especially chilled before purchase, such as minced meat or whole chopped pieces.

In case of emergency, we have given tips for extending the shelf life using "folk" methods, but even then time will be limited to 10 hours.

You will be interested to read an article about how meat was stored when there were no refrigerators

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