How often do I need to change the vacuum cleaner filter: HEPA design and its service life

Is it necessary and how often to change the hepa filter in a vacuum cleaner? Cleanliness is the key to health, and a high-quality vacuum cleaner is responsible for it in the house.

Vacuum cleaner and HEPA filter

The effective operation of the vacuum cleaner and its power is provided by the filter element. HEPA (transcript: High Efficiency Particulate Air, or highly effective air purification) - these are the perfect designs for fine cleaning. Hepa filters trap fine dust particles from 0.03 microns. The most powerful varieties will not miss 0.5% of pollution.

Vacuum cleaner and HEPA filter

Similar systems are used by top manufacturers of household appliances, among which Kärcher, Bosch, Philips and etc.

What the hepa filter looks like: this is a small porous accordion placed in the place where the air leaves the vacuum cleaner. Blocks are disposable and reusable, as are dust collectors. Disposable are made of paper and fiberglass, reusable are made of fluoroplastic with a "filling" of porous activated carbon. It is this substance that traps dust particles and absorbs odors. A reusable filter can be washed, but this does not mean that it is enough for the entire service life of the vacuum cleaner.

vacuum cleaner filter

Should this protective unit be replaced? Of course. And manufacturers indicate approximate expiration dates of one kind or another. Even the most powerful and functional cyclone vacuum cleaner without a timely change of filter units will become a useless consumer of electricity.

How often to change

As you work, the efficiency of the Hepa filters decreases due to the accumulation of a large number of microparticles. It is necessary to timely replace them with new ones so that the vacuum cleaner does not become a source of infection.

dirty filter

One filter can last from 0.5 to 1.5 and even 2 years. Exact details are provided by the parts manufacturer, e.g. Samsung recommends using a construction of 1-1.5 years. There are recommendations for a more frequent replacement, since for six months or a year dangerous microorganisms accumulate and multiply in the block, which return to the apartment’s air during cleaning.

The higher the number in the hepa name, the better it cleanses.

How to understand that the hep filter is dirty:

  1. Sniff: the unpleasant odors of burning and rot should not come from the vacuum cleaner.
  2. Pay attention to the motor: it must not overheat and turn off suddenly. Fast heating is the first sign of clogging; do not ignore it, so that the equipment does not suddenly fail.
  3. As the dust collector fills, the speed and quality of dirt absorption from the surfaces decreases.

New vacuum cleaner filter

You can purchase a new part for a specific model of vacuum cleaner in the hardware store. Often the details are suitable for related models of technology, check with consultants.

Advice from wash a reusable Hepa filter made of fluoroplastic under a powerful jet of water, it will not be washed off under low pressure. Do not abuse the wash, so as not to damage antibacterial excipients prematurely.

Flushing a dirty vacuum cleaner filter

After washing, be sure to dry the filter before inserting it back into the vacuum cleaner. But disposable cellulose filters cannot be washed; even a powerful air stream is not able to clean dust and dirt from them.

Change Hepa filters at least as recommended by the manufacturer. More often - please, but consider the degree of pollution and the size of your apartment. The frequency of cleaning directly affects the clogging of the vacuum cleaner. If there are no alarming signs, you can take your time with a replacement.

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